Saturday, February 14, 2009


I had took a step back from secretly running the GOW. I am wondering if I should get back to full time secret running or not since the latest wrinkle.....

Read here,

Lontahv and TG?! Running for the same position!? That's like trying to decide to use zero calorie or no fat cottage cheese. Either way your gonna get nothing much.

But surprisingly, I endorse BOTH candidates! They both will make honest attempts to help the GOW grow, and both of them will be slapped in the nose by those who truly feel they run the show. Trust me, I have felt the sting from such a chiding.

Now hold on......

I know what your thinking, "NOOOO, the almighty secret leader of the GOW could never ever allow someone to CHIDE him!!"

Well it happened. I was blindsided by someone (who will remain nameless), who decided they wanted to run the GOW secretly. Even now I am in secret battles with this individual.

Now that I have put my endorsement behind the new candidates, I am sure he will try to destroy them. So it should be interesting to see how he goes about this.

I'm thinking poisoning other's minds around the candidates will be his first move. One person calling someone not fit for a job is a kook, but if you manage to get a few people to agree with your prattle, then it's practically Gods word right? Awesome.

So in ending, I believe I will do what I have always done in the background of the GOW and watch the fireworks. Now where did I put those cheese puffs?


Unknown said...

Oh... I was wondering what that meat-grinder unnamed-person was oiling was for. :P

BAD said...

Heh, if you can see him doing that, then he has even less respect for you than he does for me.

At least he felt the need to surprise attack me. ;-)