As Guild Master of The Guild of Comedy, I am very pleased to announce that we are looking forward to continuing our comedic role in the new open source URU.
This decision came about this evening, when I had the Guild of Guilds with me for dinner tonight. I think the smoked Salmon Fettucini I created, was a very wise choice to make. It linked me into a new Guild BracketOur conversation was very productive, and hopeful.!
The fact that I allowed her to have life, was enough for her to allow me a prime spot in URU. She knew, she owed me one.
Lucky for her, that was the right answer! So, she shall be fed again tomorrow
I have a vision of a new AGE!
An age that has a theatrical and entertaining purpose for ALL performers.
This is a new beginning for us all, and I am eager to share this new step with the entire URU community.
As the GM of the GOGU, I hereby proclaim the GOC as an official guild.
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